Year: 2020

  • Lender-less borrowing – the end of banks

    Lender-less borrowing – the end of banks

    There is no reason to have a lender when you borrow money, you can just borrow from yourself at zero interest. How is this possible? Our view of money and debt has changed significantly in the last 12 years since the GFC. We used to think banks took our deposits of government printed cash and…

  • Fixing the world

    Fixing the world

    Modern Monetary Theory: democratising money Universal Income: Empowering real people Trustless decentralised bureaucracy: decreasing the labour and difficulty in doing simple tasks, and eliminating nepotism. Liquid democratic organisations: Real democracy for shared resources and infrastructure including healthcare Automate: Its still cheaper to exploit cheap workers than to automate, we need to automate all labour and…