Category: Society

  • Fixing the world

    Fixing the world

    Modern Monetary Theory: democratising money Universal Income: Empowering real people Trustless decentralised bureaucracy: decreasing the labour and difficulty in doing simple tasks, and eliminating nepotism. Liquid democratic organisations: Real democracy for shared resources and infrastructure including healthcare Automate: Its still cheaper to exploit cheap workers than to automate, we need to automate all labour and…

  • Fluid Democratia – decentralised society

    Abstract Fluid Democratia is a fully integrated decentralised socio/economic system based on a decentralised ledger. It incorporates a new currency, universal income, P2P lending, currency exchange, Land registry, and liquid democratic resources and infrastructure management. The purpose is to create a parallel system to the current  hierarchical organisational structure. The aim is true freedom with…

  • Is giving a gift more morally decent than contracting an exchange?

    Is giving a gift more morally decent than contracting an exchange?

    I ask this question in part because of my recent experience with crowd funding, the idea behind crowd funding is to support some ones idea, project, or invention by giving them some money. They may promise to give a gift in return but there is no contractual agreement to provide a product or service in return…

  • Why the rich get richer and the poor poorer

    Why the rich get richer and the poor poorer

    Luck determines the winners and losers of society, not merit or hard work. Those that start out with more get more, and those that start with little often fall through the gaps.   Inequality is not only caused by the human inventions of rent, profit and interest but also by a quirk of the economic…

  • HyperNormalisation: New doco from Adam Curtis

    HyperNormalisation: New doco from Adam Curtis

    Adam Curtis dissects the political malaise we have been lead into. There are no new grand ideas just crisis management. Politics as exemplified by Trump and Putin has become a game of shapeshifting. No-one knows what they stand for or who they really support in the fictional reality spewed to the masses. If you don’t…

  • Computers are taking our jobs – again

    Computers are taking our jobs – again

    There’s been a lot of chatter in the media recently about AI (Artificial Intelligence), mechanisation, and driverless cars taking all our jobs. I’ve heard this before in the 80’s but it didn’t happen. Why?   There is new evidence everyday that human labour is just not necessary anymore. Adidas has created its first fully mechanised…

  • Cybertopia – what the world will become

    Cybertopia – what the world will become

    Cybertopia is a brilliant look at the world silicon valley wants to make. Burning man mixed with hippies and then a bit of Ayn Rand. What??? Yes they can do it because they have billions and billions of dollars. Or are Bitcoins better. You judge.

  • Contented progress (wellbeing)

    Contented progress (wellbeing)

    I want to propose an idea that can make us contented (happy), imaginative, and progressive. Some may say contentment with what we have, and imaginative progress, are not contradictory. But how could we possibly be happy with what we have and still want to imagine and create a better future? I believe we can solve…

  • Sleepers went back to work

    Sleepers went back to work

    Recently I have been reading Barry Jones’ Sleepers Wake – Technology and the future of work, written in 1982 it foresees a post service work environment, technology will have saved us from much toil and we will need a guaranteed income for all (similar to my Flat Payment) to provide for all those who are…

  • The fallacy of Shareholder democracy –  the owners are all opaque holding companies

    The fallacy of Shareholder democracy – the owners are all opaque holding companies

    Elected governments really don’t have much power any more because they have ceded most of it to corporations which we believe we control through share ownership but we are hopelessly wrong. Corporations are some of the few organisations that have true global influence so if we were to have a global democracy we would want…