Mind, community, universality – three modes, one whole

My recent book Fluidity – the way to true Demokratia outlines a way to make a more inclusive and empowered society. But what is this idea of Fluidity? I want to tell you a little about how the idea of Fluidity was born in my mind, for it is a product of my mind, I don’t deny this nor brag about it, to write of such a thing can only be a product of my perception of the world around me and this is definitely Mine. But I believe that you are similar.

To my thinking our mind is the template for our society and a product of the universe, the three are combined in an influential circle, what others may call a feedback loop. But what I prefer to call fluidity. As our minds are created from the chaos, randomness and order of the Earth and its surrounding universe, our mind contains the same conflicting and harmonising elements; randomness which is the seed of Freewill, a desire for order, and a love of chaos and life. We can influence the world, create it, bend it, destroy it, nurture it, as we can other people and even our own minds.

When our minds are in fluid harmony so is our society and our universe, but also vice versa when our universe and our society is in harmony so is our mind. There is no hierarchy, there is no nature or nurture, there is no Yin or Yang but the in-between the interaction, the constant interplay between the mind and its environment one affecting the other in constant change and desire for order and then desire for change again.

Life exists in the in-between, in the fluidity of harmonious interaction. Not from balance, not from order, not from chaos. These are poles we use to help us understand the impenetrable essence of the in-between.

We put outliers of defined clarity, left right, red blue, communist capitalist, conservative liberal, heterosexual homosexual, good bad, right wrong, love hate, beautiful ugly, as these help us understand the in-between. But to accept these human inventions as real is wrong, they are abstracts to help quantification and the speed of imperfect prediction, not truth. To believe in an abstracted idea as truth is the most stupid of all human beliefs. As Plato’s forms, the perfect square, the perfect triangle has only been created by man never nature, to believe our own creations are nature, are truth, is naive. They are tools, tools for understanding the in-between, tools for order in an unimaginably mysterious world.

We need order to gain liberty, as our mind needs order to imagine the unimagined. As one sits whittling a chess piece from wood, or knitting a jumper for the coming winter, or knots a hook to their fishing line this order allows our mind to wander, to dream of meaning and understanding. We can see the big in the small, the disorder from the order and float into the in-between, joining the flow.

As our mind needs this order and leisurely imagination so our society must support this. Some productive creative ordered work with much dreamy absorption. As writing the book Fluidity was as much about ordered typing as contemplation so our society must be about the same.

From this our universe will come into harmony, us with it and it with us. Hurting it will feel wrong nurturing it will feel right. As it always has.

Of course feedback loops of disharmony can isolate and imprison our thoughts, this leads to a replication of sanction and manipulation of other people and our environment and a drift to the extremes of left right, good bad, liberal conservative etc … etc. The in-between is seen as vague and thus ignored as mystical bollocks and life descends into material determinism… Death.

Much freedom has come from our control of nature, our use of forms, and the absolute. We have built walls, and then cities, forced wheat into lines and controlled their genetic makeup, order is necessary, as is the whittling of creation for the freedom of thought, but to subvert the purpose to the means has been our greatest error. We have seen Plato’s forms and thought them real. Instead they are just a means to understand better, to allow our minds to wander into the formless, into the fluidity of the in-between. For it is in the flow truth lay, not in the abstracted form. We need the poles to see the in-between.

David J Campbell


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